Saturday, July 20, 2013

Don't call it a comeback...

And, we're back.  Things are good, albeit slow-ish.  Well, not necessarily slow, but plodding.  I'm making progress, continuing to lose weight, but sometimes it feels like an endless plodding.  Are you old enough to remember that Dunkin Donuts commercial with the "...time to make the donuts" guy?

It kind of feels like that from time to time.  Constant monitoring of calories, continuous exercise, daily weigh-ins, and all the mental energy expended focusing on this.  It's easy to be all gung-ho at the start of something like this.  You know, when you're finally ready to commit yourself to it, you are starting to see results, and you start to realize "Hey - I can do this!"  But by this point we are well beyond the newness and the "honeymoon" stage, now is where the rubber meets the road.  (I was never really sure what that exactly means, but what the hell - I'm throwing it in anyway.)

In the last post before my hiatus, I posed some questions to be answered upon my return, so here we go:

The Color Run is done by now.  How did you do?  Have you kept up with running?  Any plans for future races?  When you started the C25K program, you professed your continued hatred for running.  Is that still the case?

The Color Run was indeed awesome, and I am still running.  I'll stop with this question here since my next post will focus on where I am with this whole running thing.

Still working out with the kettlebell?  You've been thinking about adding some more exercises to the routine you do, or increasing the work interval times and decreasing the rest times.  Have you?

I am still working out with the kettlebell.  I haven't added any exercises to the routine, but I did increase the work interval times and decreased the rest times.  However, my main focus has been on running as of late, so the kettlebell has taken a bit of a backseat.

The amount of weight you are losing each week has started to slow a bit, which we were expecting.  You told yourself you wouldn't let this discourage you.  Is that still the case?

The pace has slowed to about 2lbs a week, and sometimes less.  I'm not discouraged, but I will say that it does register a bit on the piss-off meter.

Hopefully, you're in the low 230's now.

I am!  Holy shit how did you know that??

Does your wedding ring fit yet?

No it does not.  Fuckballs.  I'm really not sure what the hell is going on here.  If anything, it seems like it fits tighter.  Color me baffled.

How about those 38" waist pants that you've been keeping in your closet for fucking ever?

As a matter of fact, I just tried them on tonight and they fit.  And I'm talking a legit fit, with only a smidgen of muffin-top.

I'm assuming you're still logging everything.  Do you still feel good with your calorie target at about 1800/day?

Yep, the log is still a cornerstone of my plan.  Calorie count is still hovering around 1800/day.  I have dabbled with planned and not so planned cheat days here and there, which I'll talk about in a future post as well.

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