Saturday, February 9, 2013

The bane of my existence...

Restaurant booths.  God do I hate them.  It didn't use to be that way.  I remember thinking "Wouldn't that be nice if we could get a booth?".  It's your own private little place in the restaurant.  No servers or customers running around you, behind you, and bumping into your chair and table.  Maybe the occasional kid peering over from an adjacent booth, but for the most part, not too bad.

But now, oh restaurant booth, oh how I have (literally) grown to hate you.  Mind you, it's entirely my fault, but I still hate you.  If you see on the news that some guy went ape-shit on an empty one with a baseball bat in a Red Robin, it was probably me.

The ones that are connected to the wall are by far the worst.  At this point, I'm not quite fat enough enough that I can't fit, but fat enough to be significantly uncomfortable and in a bit of pain.  Most of these restaurants I'll avoid all together.  I've got the booth scene pretty much scoped out locally, so I know what places to avoid.  I've definitely skipped more than one get-together with friends or coworkers because I knew booths in the place were bad news for me.

Some places have tables that aren't attached to the wall, and can be slid back and forth a bit within the booth.  This allows for somewhat comfortable seating, but can ramp up the embarrassment factor.  The table gets pushed a comfortable distance away from you, and when you look at the person next to you, they have this huge chasm they have to deal with.  If there's another bigger person there, sometimes we'll share a secret psychic look with each other while everyone is being seated, knowing that we should try to position ourselves on the same side.

I'm looking forward to a lot of things changing as I lose weight and get healthier, but for some reason conquering the booth is right up there as one of my favorite goals.  Once I can fit comfortably in them again, I'm going to look at each booth I slide into as a badge of honor, remembering how far I've come.

Continuing good news from the scale:  I'm down 3 lbs this week, which makes it 15 lbs total.  I'm probably still at the point where a lot of this is water weight, but it feels good to be heading in the right direction.  Motivation is still high, and I've had no problem sticking to my food and exercise plan.

Exercise-wise, I'm hoping to add in some kettlebell core strengthening exercises that I'll do 3 times a week in addition to the 30 minutes I do on the elliptical 5 to 6 days each week.  I've done the free weight thing before, but I think this may keep me motivated a little better as it's something different.

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